WARNING - Pathetic Obama Rant - The unburdening of my soul

I am venting. I have this disappointement that boils up from within me like some kind of unholy putrid froth. I wish it to go, and yet it gurgles. So I am venting. I am repenting to God for my lack of trust in HIM and then I am moving on.

I am mad. I wish I could be elated in celebration of our nation's first black president. I really do. It is a monumentous happening. I am just sickened that he will again cause our tax dollars to go to fund overseas abortions.

I am worried. I am worried about a future where our president does not seem to value or appriciate the importance of a strong military in a world that is filled with evil. When, I think, a president;s number one priority should be our security, our president elect has said he wants to end our missel defense program. (or so I thought I understood from hearing him speak - hopefully I am wrong). He wants to live in a world free from nuclear weapons. Well, don't we all. That would be nice. It would also be nice if we could just have Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over for tea and crumpets. Oh, wait, that is Obama's plan for foreign relations! We'll just sit down and talk to all the terrorists and crazy world leaders who are trying to work towards their own nuclear weapons.

But you know, no matter how much we talk and try to play nice, people will be mad at us. They will envy us for our wealth and our freedom, as long as we have it and they don;t. So I guess that is part of Obama's plan to 'spread the wealth'. If he taxes the heck out of those top 5%, the business included there will inevitably leave our country and find somewhere where they can do business without the stranglehold of goverment sucking out their life's blood. That should help reduce some of our wealth. Plus there is something amazing that happens when you take extreme amounts from those skilled individuals who work ridiculously hard enough to get it, and pass it on to those who are either, unable, unskilled, or lazy - and would prefer a handout than making it on their own. It causes disincentive to create more wealth. This coupled with the lack of freedom when a goverment starts to nose itself into places it has NO business being, should help reduce our wealth and freedom, which will probably make those darned terrorists happy. So, maybe our security wont be in jeapordy after all!

And one final thought on the goverment as our giant nipple, providing all the sustenance and comfort we could ever want. I do not want healthcare to come from Washington DC. What have they proven to impliment across the country that has been a shining example of sucess? Federal spending on schools - that's been great, the U.S. falls in education rank compared to other countries to 18 out of 24 nations in relative effectiveness of education system.
I don't know, but I am just guessing that we don't rank 18 on spendind per child.

What about social security? The goverment has proven it can't handle taking our money and providing programs that are responsible for the well being of it's people. A friend of ours was working dong a job alongside a goverment funded group doing the same job, and I kid you not, he was 26 times faster. The goverment has proven to be inept at just about everything when it comes to our money. Have you ever read the tax code? Good luck.

Okay, so sorry for this poorly written, grammatical error filled rant. I hope you only read this far if you wanted to and had nothing better to do. I feel much better now. I will commence with repenting and my firm commitment to not make the same mistake I did when Clinton was in office - neglect to get on my knees and cry out for the leaders of our nation.


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