"Lonesome Dove"

I'm not sure it was a well advised plan, but I rented several westerns from the library. Among them was Lonesome Dove, which is a mini series of 4 parts. Joe relished every moment. He did have to pull his cowboy hat over his eyes during the scene when Gus gets the arrows pulled out of his leg.

Lonesome Dove has definitely provided rich discussion material in the Hug home. When I was explaining sin and grace, Joe asked if cowboys ever make mistakes. Thinking it was a perfect time to use an example from the movie, I mentioned how Gus chased the buffalo, that riled up the fighting party of Indians, which ultimately led to his death. I explained that this was a good example of a mistake a cowboy made. Later, I asked Joe his favorite part of the movie, his answer, "When Gus chased after the buffalo." Well, we are all bound to make our mistakes I guess. :)

Today after an all day search for the Lonesome Dove case, we came up empty. This is troubling because it was due at the library and their DVD fines are $1 a day. Tonight as Titus and I sat on the couch discussing the stuffed horse in our living room, suddenly Titus got a knowing glimmer in his eye. He asked me, "What's in the bag around the horse's neck?" (Anyone care to venture a guess). You guessed it, the horse was packed and ready to head off into the sunset with "Lonesome Dove" nested in it's saddlebag.

P.S. Thanks for the pic, Kait :)

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