In Recent News
Well, what can I say, the cowboys around here are as cute as ever. Keeping the peace, or more aptly disturbing the peace, keeps them ever busy, ever vigilant.
We went camping at Sun Lakes over Labor day weekend. The above photo was our only picture, but don't worry, you didn't miss much. There was sagebrush, hoards of bees, thorns that left no bike tire un-punctured and don't forget the drunken brawling neighbors five feet from our bed. I think our friend described the way they crowded people into to campsites best, "It looks like there's been an earthquake and an entire city is tenting in the city park." Perhaps that was why they were the only campground in the state that had availability for Labor day weekend. Go figure.
I can make my bed again. For about 6 months (who are we kidding, I'm going on a year here) I have required daily naps. First when I was preggers, and then with a nocturnal newborn. It just dawned on me the other day that I hadn't had a nap in weeks! Astounding! I figured there was now no valid excuse to avoid making my bed. So now if you come by, you can go upstairs and check out my straightened sheets (if you are impressed by that sort of thing)
Joe's first week of kindergarten was a great success. We have had so much fun. Who knew you could state the Pledge of Allegiance, work on a memory verse, learn to read, practice math and handwriting all in less than an hour? Kindergarten is a great place to start school, so easy and so much fun. (Not to mention that I have perhaps the brightest and best kindergartner ever)
(P.S. It had been awhile since I had thought of the Pledge of Allegiance. "one nation under God with liberty and justice for all". It reminded me of the lofty ideals upon which our nation was founded , and also of the cost that many have paid for freedom and liberty. It is sad to see that which people have fought so hard for treated with such little value and given up so easily. But, enough digression for now)
"Mom, can me and Judah smoke?" "How close can you get to the sun before you evaporate and turn to dust?" Just a sampling of daily questions from my 5 year old.
And this guy? Well, he's adorable. I squish him ridiculous amounts. I give him so many kisses he will probably have a complex. I want to just put him and a time capsule and hold him right where he is : adorable, squishy, cute, snuggly, irresistible, smiley and pretty well darn close to perfect.