Judah Man Turns 4!!!
Oh Judah, you are something special. I am so excited to celebrate you today, on your 4th birthday. You have been something of a challenge as a son, owing to your passionate existence. But we relish the challenge, because you are a delight. You feel strongly and deeply. We love that about you. You are the great giver of kisses in our home, often bestowing kisses in the most unexpected places, like Asher's feet or grandma's backside as you run up behind her to give her a kiss. This extends even to you kissing your own hands and wiping them on your bottom after you have received a spanking, to bestow comfort to the owwies. You are also a great sharer of love, telling me often, "I like you, mom." or "I love you, mom." randomly throughout the day. You are a caring boy and if you ever see me crying you come up and cover me with kisses.
You have a stellar imagination and can play "kitties" or "shark" for hours on end, entertaining yourself in your own little world. In short, you are spunky, imaginative, independent and just a whole lot of fun. You have a mind of your own, that is for sure. The other day when I carried you up to nap time in the basket of clean laundry, you asked if you could nap in the basket. I said you could, thinking you would jump out after a minute and opt for the more comfy bed. Nope.
You love to play warrior games and ride your bike. You look so darn adorable in that silly little helmet. You are fearless, too. When we went camping, you pummeled down the steep hill on the trail to the lake with your little bike with the training wheels still on. Dad was afraid for your life, but when he reached the bottom of the hill, there you were waiting, looking like, "What's the big deal, dad."
You love to sing songs, especially hand crafted ones. You can go on for 10 minutes or so in that cute little sing-song voice of yours, meanwhile I can't understand most of what you are singing but you are so cute that I can't keep from smiling anyway.
Judah, you are a treasure to our family. I don't know what we would do without you. Today I give thanks to God for the gift of you. What a wonderful gift you are! We love you buddy.