Little Lads and Thanksgiving

My little lads crack me up. Joe was found banging on our newly-found-from-the-back-of-the-closet african drum this morning right outside of Judah's door. Within moments Judah awoke from his peaceful slumber. Joe came into my room with a surprised and delighted voice, "Judah crying, Judah awake." How shocking that he would awaken when a two year old was beating on an african drum outside of his door. A deaf person would have awaken.

The other cute thing Joe has was doing last night was when he was playing with his Mr. Potato Head, Santa clause edition. He found it in his toy room and came out with him all plugged with plastic parts (in mostly the right places) calling him "Christmas". Then he laid him down and exlclaimed, "Christmas sleeping!", which he and I both found to be quite amusing.

So, today I am thankful. I was thinking and reading about how important it is for us, especially as Christians to cultivate an attitude of thansgiving. Mainly, I am thankful for Christs amazing work of salvation, but also for all of the good that God has put into this world. Here are my top 3 thanks for today:

1) New fleece pants. When you don't feeling like getting out of bed, you don't have to. Just put on your fleece pants and you transfer to a more vertical and portable bed with you whereever you go. So cozy.

2) My hair. Although it is oft unappriciated, neglected and complained about, I am so glad I have. I would be so cold and I fear, ugly headed, without it.

3) Garbage Service. I squinted in dismay this morning as I heard the garbage trucks pass our house. I forgot to put our garbage out this morning, which means I will have to spend the next week cramming our garbage into a full can. But this made me think, what if we had no garbage truck to come get our garbage at all. That would be really gross. My house would be buried in dirty diapers and junk mail. It would be sad. So I say YAY for gargage service!


Swannee said…
Our garbage truck comes at 5:45 on Wednesday mornings, and since we live on a dead-end street, it has to back down the street before collecting garbage. There have been so many times that I've woken up to the beeping of the truck, jumped out of bed, thrown my robe on, dragged the garbage to the curb, and hopped back into bed before my sleepy husband even realized I was gone. I missed it once, and that was a hard 2 weeks! So I too am thankful for garbage service, and for an occasional stimulating batch of exercise and fresh-air early on a Wednesday morning.

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