A date with my boy.

Joe has to be one of the most agreeable boys ever created. I know, I know, I'm his mother and you might think that I am in some way predisposed to like him. I don't think that is the case. Everyone likes Joe. And really, what's not to like?
We went on a date today that started with me shopping for a dress (did I not tell you that he is a saint? What 4 year old boy would happily go dress shopping? well, I did bribe him with iphone games, but still!)
We then had lunch together at noodle express. He was such a perfect gentleman, opening the doors for me (I did have to tell him that that is what you do on a date). I let him pick the orange soda and he got to use a "fun chop" for his chop sticks. He was thrilled.
Then I took him to the mall to see the new reptile store. I had to walk past giant spiders, snakes and crabs, but I did take the boy dress shopping first. He deserved this.
He was cautious, eyeing the creatures suspiciously.
I could barely get him to touch the giant turtle (tortoise? What is the difference. This is why I plan to home school my kids, so I can learn important stuff like this.)
His reticence could have stemmed from the fact the the turtle had just dropped a giant poop on the carpet as we entered the store (what else can you expect from a wandering reptile?)
We finished our trip with a stop at Barnes and Noble and then the costume shop, where I declined to buy the $40 Woody costume, opting instead for the $1.29 red bandanna, with a promise to hand craft the rest of the costume. Wish us luck!
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