Doing good

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up. Gal 6:9
This morning I was grumpy. Nothing unusual there. I was just frusterated, yet again, by being called out of bed at an hour not of my choosing. The little man was awake and so I needed to be awake.
I felt the Lord speak this simple scripture to me. Do not grow weary in doing good. I had usually always thought of this scripture in terms of feeding the hungry, rescuing the downtrodden, or making disciples. Such lofty things. Wait a minute! I am doing those things. It's just that the subjects of my ministry happen to be underage and short. Wow. Thank you God, for the reminder. I will remember not to grow weary wiping up the vomit from the floor and cleaning up the same stuff for the eighty hundreth million time.
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