Guerrilla Warfare

Part of motherhood is a premature glimpse into heaven; the other part is guerilla warfare.
 Don’t laugh at me until you hear this definition I found – and realize that I am right. “Guerrilla warfare (also spelled guerilla) is a method of combat by which a smaller group of combatants attempts to use its mobility to defeat a larger, and consequently less mobile, army.”
See, I told you.  

There doesn't seem to be much middle ground when you are dealing with children; one moment beloved angels, next moment apparent hellions from the dark side. Who knew?  One moment you are standing at the kitchen sink hearing your children exclaim the magnitude of their love for you, the next you are stopping a battle involving sticks. One moment you are caught up in the amazing world of discovery with your child, the next there is a screaming toddler who has thrown themselves down in the middle of an aisle forcing the redirection of traffic on the way to Sunday school.  It’s basically all or nothing; heaven or hell, so to speak. At least with my kids, there is not much grey area.

 Here’s what God has been teaching me:  “Duh?”

12Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 1 Peter 4:12

I like this translation. Any of you feel the “fiery trial” your children bring to you? Maybe it’s just me. Ha-ha. No, I’ve seen your kids in Sunday school too. I know I’m not alone.

The good news is that God is growing something here. It’s bigger than just us. These little people are God’s good plan. They are his plan for the future and they are his plan to shape us. I realized that they are making me who God wants me to be.  Oh it doesn’t always look like it. From the outside it looks more like mud and mess and screaming. It looks like whining, crying and complaining and that’s just me!

These little people, this “smaller group of combatants” they are waging war against my impatience. They are waging war against my selfishness. They are waging war against the part of me that is too insecure to get my rear off the couch and get out into the world and engage in the business of life.

My dignity, my clean house, my personal time- I think they call that collateral damage.

But it’s okay, because the battle is the Lord’s. He has reminded me of a couple of personal promises and I am standing on them.

You won't fight this battle. [Instead,] take your position, standstill, and see the victory of the LORD for you, Judah and Jerusalem. Don't be frightened or terrified. Tomorrow go out to face them. The LORD is with you." 2 Chronicles 20:17

If you can’t picture being a mother as a great battle in life, well then, you haven’t had kids.

If you are in the battle field today, take courage.  Take up your position, in His love, his grace, his sufficiency to be all that you need today.  Stand and worship, knowing that if this were your battle you could never be victorious, but it’s His. Stand in his promise. He is able to do what he has promised.

All your sons will be taught by the LORD, and great will be your children's peace. Isaiah 54:13

Sometimes I think of being a mom as milk-toast, vanilla pudding and campfire songs. I think it should be easy, it should come naturally, and it shouldn’t be so hard. But look around. Look at a society that is in decay because of lack of family.  No, being a wife and mother isn’t easy, especially being a good one.  It’s easier to give up, check out, and hope someone else will do what is needed.

That is why it is a battle to engage, to give yourself fully to the calling of mother and wife. It’s not just about your little house, your little kids and your little problems. (or mine). It is about giving yourself fully to your savior. About doing what he has called you to with abandon and excellence. That looks so different for each one of us, but the struggle is the same. The struggle is not to grow weary in doing good. The struggle is to see the glory that is hidden beneath the sink full of dirty dishes, to recognize the value in serving the people God has given you. 

And if you ask me, it’s all out Guerilla Warfare.  But that’s okay because we know what to wear  (Eph 6:13- Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.), we know who we are fighting  (Eph 6:12- For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.) and we know it’s worth the fight. (Corinthians 4:17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.)


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