I can speak life!

Proverbs 18:20 From the fruit of his mouth a man's stomach is filled; with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied.

If you are a mom you have trememdous power. You are the leader of your household and it's attitude and spirit flow out from you. God is teaching me about this power. A big part of this power comes from what we believe. Our beliefs are influenced by the words we speak.

Choosing our words wisely can be a hard thing to do, it is especially difficult to speak words of hope and faith when we need them the most. When we are in a challenging season (which is pretty often in motherhood - we have pregnancy pains and hormones, postpartum problems, infancy, colic and gas, sleeping issues, teething, discipline problems, diaper rash, potty training, fighting, hitting, and this only gets us to age 2!) it can be hard to speak positively about life. But this is when it is the most important! We have to stand on the promises of God and not just that but speak them out for ourselves to hear.

Try reading the following out loud.

I am the rightouness of God in Christ Jesus. I am more than a conquer. I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me. I consider that this light and momentary suffering is not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed. God works out all things for my good. He who began a good work in me is faithful to complete it. Old things have passed away and all things have been made new. I am a new creation in Christ. God's mercy for me is new this morning! It is fresh and abundant. Gods love never fails and nothing can seperate me from it. God is my refuge and strength in times of trouble. He is always with me. He has a good hope for me and a future that will not be cut off. My sons will be taught of the Lord and great shall be my children's peace. God has taken my heavy burden and given me his burden which is light and easy.  When I am weak He is strong. His power is perfected in my weakness. His grace is sufficient for me. It is by grace that I have been saved. I am loved. I am forgiven. I am free.

Now don't you feel better? I do. If you have been saying things like, "I'm tired." "Things never change." "I'm not up to this task." "I can't do it." "This is so hard.", even if you are just staying them to yourself, its time for a change. Try replacing them with the word of God.

Our words have power! Lets go out and use that super power to grow some good fruit!


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