Just another day in paradise.

My son is dressed for bed in a navy polo and khaki pants because we're classy like that. Ha. He's really wearing that because he's our third child and we are now firm believers in the "Pick your battles" mantra. He has won. So the box full of hand-me-down footie pajamas sit in the closet unused because our son would rather wear a polo shirt to bed. In this instance his own stubbornness actually provides a bonus to mom - I don't have to get him dressed in the morning! Happy two year old. Check. Time saver for mom. Check. I do believe this is what they call a win-win.

Kids say great stuff. Here is a sampling from today:

Judah runs up to Violet and shouts, "You don't have to be afraid of anything! Except Satan!", this last word administered with a sinister air.

Joe was recounting his history lesson to his dad. He proclaimed, "Then they had to make a daring escape. or a darling one. I don't know what that means."

When asked his name at the dinner table, Asher let out a loud guttural sound and then, "I'm foooooooooot balllllllll."


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