It's the little things.

Life can be rough when you are one of three brothers, especially if one of your brothers happens to be a two year old. Judah recently confided in his dad that he and Joe had found a safe spot to store their toothbrushes. You see, their little brother Asher is always getting into all the toothbrushes and using them in an unsuitable manner, getting into their toothpaste and eating it, just for fun.

Judah seemed to be pleased they had a found a spot for stowing these items for their toilet directly under the toilet. When Titus asked the boys if they had ever considered their toothbrushes might get peed on, they seemed crestfallen. Apparently this had never occurred to them. The toothbrushes have now been relocated to the top of the medicine cabinet, where they will be safer from pee, if not our climbing two year old.


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