Oil pulling my leg - 30 days of authenticity #2

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones . Proverbs 16:24

Some of you may not know that I sometines imagine my alternate life as a Jesus loving hippie. The term I guess people use now is "crunchy", I suppose that has something to do with granola. If it weren't for my husband rescuing me, I probably would be somewhere in the forest, living in a yurt, attempting to grow my own food while simultaneously giving my life to the cause of rescuing casterated animals with only one leg. Thank God my husband married me before this life occurred. I suck at growing anything (except people) and we can all image the scent of a a yurt filled with one legged animals.

Every once in awhile vestiges of this crunchy self of mine pop out. For example , I have begun oil pulling. If you have not heard of this it is some sort of health craze that sounds half tribal remedy half ancient civilizations gone wrong. What you do is put oil in your mouth (preferably first thing in the morning) then swish it around for 20 minutes and spit it out. 

Sounds easy enough. It isn't horrible once you get over your own gag reflex. It is touted to help any number of problems, but I was doing it to see if it would help my teeth. Sure it sounds weird, but compared to thousands of dollars of dental work- not too bad. 

So far it hasn't cured anything - after about two weeks. One thing I have noticed is that a nasty cavity that had hurt me almost every day has not hurt since I started oil pulling. I haven't really noticed whiter teeth, which I was hoping for, but I love how clean my teeth feel.

The other side benefit is my sinuses. Colds were going around the kids and I noticed I kept getting stuffed at night, but after oil pulling every morning, felt better. I have had some night time congestion but have not gotten sick like all the kids. I'm not sure if it's the OP or not, but if it helps my sinuses, I'm game.

The theory is that the oil (especially coconut) pulls toxins out of your body and has antibacterial properties. Also with the sinuses some people think the act of swooshing may help circulation thereby improve sinus health.

In any case, I am enjoying my interesting new habit. I like the analogy of my mouth being filled with oil as the anointing of God. Filling my mouth with his words and presence is something that is CERTAIN to provide health benefits. Wether oil helps my teeth or not- I can speak  pleasant words with bone healing potential. Now THAT is some powerful stuff.


What a lovely post...I can imagine you living in a yurt...the one legged creatures could have their own...I too am oil pulling and realized my sinus congestions is less too. I am about 2 weeks into this. Have gotten used to the gagging with first contact.

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