From Today

"Our kitchen is mouse paradise." - Judah Hug

I heard the sound of death tonight as a "snap" from the kitchen reached my ears. Another little mousy bites the dust. Every spring and fall the cute little rodents attempt to make our home their own. Ever year there is an epic battle with screaming and poison and sometimes blood. It's not pretty. Just one of the many joys of living in an older home.

This week I was shown a purse with containing dismembered legs and a bullet. Like with a toddler is fun like that. At least they were Lego legs and a Nerf bullet.

Violet is extra cute these days. She loves to carry a purse, get her coat and boots on and head out into the big, big world. No one taught her that she should like to be clean, or get dressed, or carry a purse and have her hair done. It seems instinctive, just like my boys ability to make machine gun sounds and turn everything into a war.

I am about 27 weeks pregnant, and haven't said much about this pregnancy on my blog, operating primarily on the idea, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." It's been a tough pregnancy. I don really want to talk about it, I will comment for future reference, that this pregnancy has been hard. Or maybe it's just the fact that I have 4 kids, I am homeschooling, directing a home school community, own a business or two and manage property in my spare time, that make it so hard.

But what I'm learning and trying to believe, is that the good stuff is the hard stuff.


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