A Forlorn Farwell

It is with great sadness and meloncholy that I bid summer of '08 aeidu.

Here is the thing. I love the 4 seasons. I feel that we just got a little gypped. I was surprised to see on a weather.com pole that fall is in 1st place when it comes to peoples favorite season. Normally I too am a lover of autumn and all that entails: warm snuggly blankets, candles, apple cider, pumkin treats, the bounty of harvest, being surrounded by the ones you love, yadda yadda, yadda. This year I just cant help but bemoan the end of summer.

Maybe part of this is my sincere hope that I could let Joe run around the backyard naked and he would potty train himself. This was a naively sincere, yet misguided wish that had formulated into an actual hope. Crazy me.

Today in effort to fortify myself against any onslaught of distress brought on by dreary days, I have lit candles, baked bread, and served up several cups of tea. I am with prayers and bribery attempting to potty train in earnest today. I have survived the first crap in the underware of the day without any screaming or unholy words. God is good, and I trust He will teach me something about his amazing love for me in the midst of this disgustingly dreary weather.


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