Old Blogs for your Reading Enjoyment

Life with a two year old is so much fun. I just thought I would share a few examples from today.
Joe likes to point out that in every book the woman is "mommy" and all the men are "daddy" and any little boy is "Joe". If there is more than one woman he says,"two mommies". Anyhow, today he started applying this concept to his stuffed animals. His rabbit was "Joe rabbit". The funny thing was when he was saying "Mommy Pooh Bear" it sounded exsactly like "Mommy's Poop Bear". Isn't this just something every house should have?
Earlier we were making cookies together. (I should note that this is the only time that Titus can enter and leave the house for work without Joe crying. Only the allure of chocolate chips can keep Joe from wanting to go with his dad to the garage:) ) Also, when I say making cookies together, I mean I was making cookies and Joe was making a mess with flour and smuggling chocolate chips. (I suppose that is stating the obvious)
Anyhow, I thought I had filled a cookie tray with spoonfulls of dough to go into the oven, but when I looked back the tray was partially empty. When I went to finish the tray I realized that I had filled it before, only there were three balls of dough missing. While I had turned to check on Judah, Joe made quick work of snatching those dough balls. There he lay on on the floor in little boy heaven, his mouth barely able to contain the bounty he had just retrieved. :) No wonder he didn't care about a bunch of stupid tools in the garage ; 0 )

Friday, April 04, 2008
Taking a minute
Sometimes when you have two small children life seems to be a tornado of neverending activity. It is so precious and so full and so unpredictable. It’s crazy fun with a little bit of "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" thrown in. Enough to wonder if you are going to survive the next day. Then, before you know it you are completely in awe of some darling or amazing thing your child just did and you know that somewhere, somehow, you will find the strength to survive. Even more than that, to thrive, enjoying the wonderful bliss of family insanity.
I just had one of those moments when I was nursing Judah. He fell asleep and he was so cute. The sweetness of caressing that little head with the crazy, swirling hair pattern, overwhelmed me. Here he was in my arms, a perfect person in miniature, a being that I had a part in brining into existance. It was a beautiful snapshot of what is best about being a mother. As parents of older kids always say, "Treasure this time, they grow up so fast." I’m sure they are right.
In just a second one of my peacefully sleeping angels will arouse, perhaps with a fury, as we have had earaches and colds around here lately. The quietness of my reflection will be shattered as I am pulled back to reality with a five wipe poopy (my husband and I measure the seriousness of diapers by the of wipes required - as if somehow in this way we can keep tabs on whose turn it should be to change the next diaper, "NO - it’s your turn. I just changed a six wipe poop 20 minutes ago!) .
Life is good in mommyland- the wonderful, somewhat all-encompasing, chaotic place that it is. Hope all is well in your land too.

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Potty Training Part II
I have given up.

We may single-handedly keep Huggies in business. Oh wait- Kaitie is helping, too ; 0)

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Adventures in potty training Pt1
So, I am clinging to the hope of Lisa Anderson who says, "no child goes to kindergarden wearing diapers". (as quoted to me by Allison). The thought being that eventually children will figure out where they are supposed to realease their eliminations, in the way that is socially acceptable. Someway, somehow, they will figure it out.
However, I think don’t know how that statement of hope applies to homeschoolers. If I don’t send Joe to kindergarden - will he ever poop in the toilet! :)
I thought I would share some of my narrative of the milestone of potty training in the Hug household. On Wednesday I got entirely sick of changing toddler sized poopies. Joe had three major ones and I was on the verge of death (or at least collapsing!) Anyone who has changed large toddler poopies knows that it is not a pleasantry. It is nothing like the cute little poop-ums of newborns. This is big stinky muck on big boy bottoms. In fact, it is the only time in my life when I am grateful for having a stuffy nose.
When I explained my diaper changing weariness to Titus he said, "Well we’ll just starting potty training Joe." So he brought Joe over for a man-to-man chat about toilet usage. He told Joe how he must go potty and poopy in the toilet and tell mom and dad if he needs to do so. At the end of the discussion he asked Joe is he understood. Joe shook his head and said, "No." We were off to a good start.
The next morning I took Joe to his little potty seat. He was reticent to try to go potty until I reminded him of his talk with dad and being like daddy. At that point he dutifully went potty in his toilet. Unfortunately, soon after, he had a poopy in his pullup. We were not making progress. It was time to bring out the dinosour underware. Needless to say, Joe was enamored. I mean, who wouldn’t be - we are talking about dinousour underware, afterall.
Let’s just say the dinosours went for a swim. Joe was "helping" me in the kitchen standing on the dining room chair when all of a sudden a great flood was released. Joe looked shocked by this torrent of fluids, and looked at me as if to ask where it had come from.
We were going to need more stratagy here. So, I thought of my friend, Kim’s, advice about letting kids run naked through the house to get in better touch with their body functions. Sounds good. Off go the dino-unders.
All is well until a few minutes later appears a special brown loaf on the aforementioned and newly cleansed dining room chair. I was in despair. I spanked Joe for pooping on the chair (I know you are NOT supposed to do this - but I was faced with poop - human poop!- on a chair) and quickly proceeded to bribe him with candy if he went poopy in the toilet ( and I know you are really NOT supposed to do this). At this point I have shattered all illusions that I might will win any mothering awards.
The good-news - later that eveing our naked child found his way to the toilet to deliver a small package. That little dropping might well have been a gold nugget for the joy it brought to my heart. Did I give him candy? - you bet.
You have to take what you can get, right?
Life is good. Boys are fun. Running is painful but worthy penance if it allows you to eat more chocolate!

Thursday, January 24, 2008
I don't know what it is about winter. I am thinking maybe it is the momness of it all that gets to me ( you know having to chase little people, not being able to sleep when you want, excessive hormonal changes, ect). I don't remember winter ever bothering me before I had kids. I would always look forward to the snow and the hot cocoa and snuggling by fire, watching movies, family gatherings and such. But now after about 2 good months of being stuck in the house I start to feel like a caged animal.
I joyfully note each minute of daylight as it increases bringing us one step further in the long, slow journey to springtime. I cannot wait to send the children outside and hear happy laghter and splashing sounds in the backyard (oh sure there is some screaming and banging at the back door - but it's drownded out by the soft breeze of summer:) ) I dwell upon the nastalgia of fresh squeezed lemonade and swinging peacefully in a hammock. (or not so peacefully as I am often overturned by a band of miniature mauraders.) But hey, the days are long, the sun is bright and the barbeque is easily accessable, no need to shovel snow off of it before use. What simple pleasures.
For now I will give thanks that I have heat in this miserable weather so I don't freeze to death. I will appriciate that in the cold dark nights I have loved ones near by to snuggle and warm my heart. I will be grateful that the God of awesome power has endowed us with grace in every circumastance - so certainly I can endure this winter!

P.S. I would be glad to hear if you have any winter survival tips as well :)

Saturday, January 19, 2008
So, Hello to all. We are currently in Florida. It is 2:38 am and we just finished playing games and drinking margaritas and eating cookies. I have decided to ignor typographical errors for this blog. : ) We have been having alot of fun down here. Today we finally got a lovely day that was up to 80 with a bit of sunshine. We played in the sand and surf. It was lovely. Somehow the ocean always seems to hold a wonderful allure for me. It is almost magical in its breathtaking majesty. The rythmic sounds and the feeling of warm sand beetween your toes is enough to push every one of life's burdens to the back of your mind as you are almost forcibly pulled "into the moment". It is a delightful place to be, enhanced by watching cute little ones running up and down the shore chasing the waves. Joe was a little doll and had so much fun. Hannah was also very cute, her primary joy was eating the sand.Titus is currently engrossed in the endless litany of thoughts being spouted on all the 24 hour news channels. There are moment by moment updates of all the primariesand caucuses. We have managed to pull him away from the tv long enough to enjoy the beach and lots of eating, game playing, as well as to lock the car keys in the trunck. Thank God for the Locksmith :)In other exciting news - animal sightings! We saw a shark ! It was like 10 feet out in the shore. Way too close! We think it was eating the remains of a fish because we had just seen a fish head on the shore and then it disappeared in the next wave and we saw the fins. Da da da da da da da da! Also there are cute little lizzards running about and we saw a dead decomposing turtle on the beach - not so fun. To all you in the cold north lands - I'll be joining you soon and we shall ever endure on until springtime when the first little buds pop out on the trees signaling to us that one day we will again be able to go barefoot in the street. Goodnight.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The seasons
So, I have come upon another reason for us to be thankful. The changing of the seasons. It is so fun to live in a place that gets all four!
This week I think I may have eaten my last tomato sandwich for the year, the last watermelon (by the way - nectar of the gods for pregant women in the summertime), the last corn on the cob. I have enjoyed the fragrant beauty of the blossoming roses, the crazy schedule of summer vacationing, and the bliss of functioning air conditioning in 100 degree heat. But, the time has come to pack away the sunscreen and bathing suits and hunker down for the snuggly season of fall.
Being a romatic by nature, I seem to always find change to be bittersweet. But ultimately I am won over to the joy of the changing of seasons. I pulled out Joe's hand knitted mini scarf from last year - it still fits. It is so cute! ( as I believe all things in miniture to be). It's now also the time for apples, which go so well with crisp and ice cream and carmel sauce and pie and all those healthy additions.
Other sure signs of fall are the bringing out of the candle collection, the return to baking and the enjoyment of all things down. These cool seasons surely are the best for snuggling. Today we were outside on a walk and when we came home I got to grab and snuggle the cutest little blonde, who had the cutest little cold ears.
For all the football fans of the world it is another chance to gather with great hope for a spectacular year. Its a reason justify the expense of fancy tv's and expensive cable bills as well as the eating of greasy snacks. It's a chance to socialize and for some, such as my husband, it provides an endless topic of conversation. It is the great equalizer for all men football lovers. Perhaps they have nothing else in the world in common - no worries - they can talk for 2 hours about the game, the ghastly call (oh, I don't think football guys use words like "ghastly" it would probably be more like, "crazy" or "stupid" or "retarded"), the ridiculous fumble that gave the game away, ect.
Anyhow, now that I'm having a few moments to get used to the idea, I am excited for fall. It's a great time for doing puzzles, playing scrabble, having tea with scones, going for walks. Call me - I'de love to do any of the above. Heck - I'de even settle for watching football - just so long as there are greasy snacks.

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Thank God for Mankind
So, I do, in this case, actually mean MANkind - as in the male version of our species. I am so grateful for my man. In this day and age of man-haters and man-bashing I just want to take a moment to give thanks for all the wonderful, hard working, sacrificing men in our lives.
I was thinking about this the other day when I realized the double standard in our marriage. I think I had been yelling at my husband and saying entirely uncalled for and mean things. Then I got control of my hormonal self and apologized. He just looked at me sweetly and forgave me. All was forgotten. Now, if my husband EVER started yelling at me in the way I did him I would have been a basket case of tears hidding under my bedsheets. I wouldn't have come out for hours and would never have forgiven him without several fervent and heartfelt apologies - which would probably have to be accompanied by tears - and he would need to adorn sackcloth and ashes. Then I might just begin to consider forgiving him. I know this is horrible, but it's true. I have not yet attained to the fullness of Christ in this area. I tend to be super sensative.
All this to say, I am grateful to have a husband who works so hard every day without complaining. Who I know would do anything for our family. Who is maddeningly unemotional sometimes- which leads to peace and sanity in our home. So, I put up with some socks that don't make it to the laundry bin, some towels left on the floor, some game day related "deafness". He puts up with extreme emotionalism, irrational anxieties, unexplained bitchiness, and an overall needy person. I think I've got a pretty good bargain.
If you've got any good menfolk in your life, give thanks for them. And don't forget to tell them how great they are. I think they need the encouragement to continue putting up with hormonal women :)
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The wild eyed night wanderer
So, being pregnant is fun. It has it's share of challenges, one of which is insommnia. That is why I am writing at 4 am. Heaven forbid, I would ever arise this early to start the day! No, I will be going back to bed.
It starts when you awake and realize you are on your back. A shift is required. "They" tell us that being on your back when pregnant is a hazard because nerves or vessels in the back get squished and thus can potentially cut of nutrients to baby. Basically you are endangering the life of your child should you find yourself on your back. So you gather your pillows and start the 12 point resituating process. Ah, now you can go back to sleep.
Alas, you now are awake and aware of one of the uncomfortabilities of pregnacy. This can be any of the following: heartburn, leg cramps, yeast infection, headache, sore back, sinus congestion. You try to disregard this bother. It doesn't work. Finally, you realize this is probably because you are on your right side.
The other thing "they" tell us is that it's best to sleep on your left side. The reason for this being that pregnant women have already given up sleeping on our stomach and our back, as well as wine, mochas, skiing, boat racing, a normal body and a host of other things. They were just trying to think of one more.
So you start the 12 point process of rolling and pillow re-arranging to your left side. Just when you think you may find comfort in the arms of the dream angel, the twin dragons of pregnancy rear their ugly heads. Yes, you guessed it, nightime peeing and hunger.
At first you try to slay these dragons with the sword of reason. You think, " I haven't had anything to drink since 6:00 pm and I've been up the that bathroom 4 times already tonight. Surely there is nothing left to pee." for awhile you think it may work. Just then the hunger pains start in the pit of your stomach. You try logic again, "I had a huge steak dinner, dessert and a bedtime snack. I can make it 3 more hours until breakfast." It sounds good but your body does not listen.
I usually give into the Peeing dragon first and more frequently. It's an easier concession, since the bathroom is right by my bedroom. But the Hunger dragon takes more commitment. I must descend the stairs, turn on lights, decided what to eat. Usually this is cereal, which either leaves bad breath - or I have to brush my teeth - an added step. By this time I may be fully awake and thus, need to do something to pass the time. In this instance I figured I would come and share with you the joys of pregnant insommnia.
So there you have it.
In parting, let me share my pregnant blessing for you. May the force be with you, one day in the not too distant future, when you are laying in bed surrounded by a million pillows supporting your lumpy stomach. May you stay strong and remember that others have gone before you as you fight the twin dragons of the night. And remember, you may conquer Hunger, but the Peeing Dragon can only be defeated through new life.


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