
We went to the Seahawks game, it was really fun to watch them actually win (even if it was agains the Rams) and to be actually close enought to see the players. This is the best seat I had ever had and it was alot of fun! We only had one excessively drunken person near us and he was a cheerful Steelers fan so I didn't mind too much :)

So Josh made us dinner - looks well rounded doesn't it? It was super yummy though!

Brothers with beef:

Joe serving up Judah at his favorite part of the Children's musuem: the miniature taco restaurant.

He also enjoyed getting wet:

And Judah has so much fun in the bucket of fluffy shapes that we couldn't even get him to stay still for a picture.

There was so much to do at the children's museum, Joe had fun painting as well.

Views of Seattle. We went walking with Celeste to Trader Joes. It was a long and painful walk, but we were rewarded by breathtaking views and beautiful multi-million dollar homes to gaze upon. Plus we stumbled upon some ripe raspberries! We were rewarded for out trip with the giant belgium chocolate bar that I bought per Caleb and Kendra's recommendation - so good!

Check out that space needle !

With Auntie Celeste again :)

He apparently is not happy at the moment.

Being swung around (slightly terrified) by Auntie Celeste

Joe at monkey bars.

So, first I should let you know that the main event of excitement was that I crashed the rv. In my defense, it was after midnight and I had only had Krispi Kreme dougnuts and coffee for dinner. You ever wonder why those cement posts are there at the gas station? To keep people like me from running into the gas pumps. Yes, I turned the rv into a cement block. I heard this great smushing and screetching sound, which was that of the side of the rv being scraped off by the cement. What fun.

Okay, I am going to try to figure out how to put pictures in here. Here is Judah being really cute at the nifty park by Josh and Celeste's house. This is really confusing. I think the pictures go first. I dont know what I am doing.
Okay, I think I have to put the pictures in first next time ;) Since I am brain dead for lack of sleep I will go.


Swannee said…
I'm in that 2nd Seahawks picture! Section 304, baby! :-) I like your blog--you're such an engaging writer.

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