Erythema Multiforme = suffering for Hug household
Thank God that my poor baby is feeling better. We are all in recovery. I say all, because Judah kept us all up when he was really bad. Poor thing, he kept grabbing at himself and crying. He would fall asleep and then wake up in the night grabbing his little face and arms. He was inconsolable. The only thing that would make him stop crying is to nurse. And we were just going to wean! But he nursed pretty much all night - so needless to say I am SORE and I will leave it at that and spare you any more details. :)
These are at the ER: We woke up on Tueday and he had some spots on his legs and body, gradually as we traveled the 12 hours home from Florida that day - he got worse and worse and crabbier and crabbier. Our flight to Seattle was HORRID. I guess that is what we get for going to Florida. The doc said that it could be from a medicine, but he only had childrens' motrin, so she said it was more likely caused by a virus. Who knows. I just know that our plan to go to Florida and get healthy and then come home and be healty until spring, didn't quite pan out. Thank God Judah is getting better though, this whole thing was pretty scary.
My poor baby at the emergency room. He is feeling better today, but still looks kinda rough. We are praying for his speedy recovery. Doctor said it was Erythema Multiforme.
These are at the ER: We woke up on Tueday and he had some spots on his legs and body, gradually as we traveled the 12 hours home from Florida that day - he got worse and worse and crabbier and crabbier. Our flight to Seattle was HORRID. I guess that is what we get for going to Florida. The doc said that it could be from a medicine, but he only had childrens' motrin, so she said it was more likely caused by a virus. Who knows. I just know that our plan to go to Florida and get healthy and then come home and be healty until spring, didn't quite pan out. Thank God Judah is getting better though, this whole thing was pretty scary.
My poor baby at the emergency room. He is feeling better today, but still looks kinda rough. We are praying for his speedy recovery. Doctor said it was Erythema Multiforme.