More Confessions!

These are confessions of gratitude. This is an exercise in gladness. Sometimes I get distracted from my purpose in life. I can easily becomje overwhelmed by darkness, literally as in the drearyness of a cloudy snow filled day, or spiritually by giving into deceptively negative thoughts.

So, back to my purpose, or rather the purpose of this blog, to refocus. Here a few confessions of thanksgiving:

Every time I have cried out in emptiness for the Lord to fill me, he has answered faithfully, drawing me ever closer to him. And not just a little bit, either. He loves me in a big way and he shows it.

When I look around my house, if I can overlook the tornado of stuff that surrounds me, I see beauty peeking out of unsuspecting places, like the poinsettas in the corner that are resisting death, or the snot-covered smiling face that is smiling at me while incessantly shooting me a barage of questions.

I am so grateful for my job and my calling, that requires primarily one skill. It is not easy, but it is remarkably simple, to love. Also I can take naps occasionally.

I have a husband, who I probably would not describe as debonaire, yet he wouldn't hesitate an instant to sacrifice his life for me and the children, which he daily proves by his early rising and tireless working to support our family. Plus he gives me piggy back rides and foot rubs sometimes.

I have some truly stellar friends, who are real, and allow me to be who I am - and love me anyway!

I have neighbors, who despite their own drives and walks filled with three feet of snow, won't hesitate to come and shovel my car out.

And just like I always knew I would love, I have a small person who talks to me. And I will close with one final thought from him.

Yesterday Joe looked at me and said, "You're a lady."
I said "That's right, are you learning about the difference between men and ladies?"
He said, "Yes" so I asked, "What are you?" He said "Joe". Obviously. So then I thought I better refine my question. I said, "You are a boy". He nodded. I said, "When you grow up, are you going to be a man or a woman?" He looked at me quizzically as he thought about this. He finally responded, "Bob the Builder."


bloogerbabe said…
That is so funny...but I bet he will one day be a builder....hee hee
oh how I love my neps...


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