Whining from the nocturnal pregnant lady.

Something about blogging lends itself quite nicely to the up at night pregnant whiner. As far as activity goes, for someone who finds themself unable to sleep in the wee hours of the night, it beats watching informercials.

There is something comforting about being able to share your sufferings with an unknown and completely willing audience (because you see - you are welcome to cease reading this at any moment without risking my offense in the least).

I suppose I tend toward the dramatic, so you may consider that when I explain to you my misery. I am suffering from a variety of aliements, any one of which would be bearable on it's own, but combined they form a sort of abominable triad of yuckiness.

First of all, I was awakened from my sleep by a need to vomit. That is never fun, but it is even worse when you have other issues that you are reminded of upon awakening. To be fair, the vomiting may be self induced. I did drink a quad latte this afternoon - the likes of which my stomach had not faced in months - and it set me on a bad course. I know you are probably asking yourself why a pregnant woman would ever drink a quad latte. It is a reasonable question. You are correct if you assumed there was a very important reason for this immense caffiene consumption. Maybe the desire for caffiene was spurred by the emminent arrival of a nit picky mother-in-law (nope - don't have one of those) or the need to drive a child all night to get emergency care in Timbucktu, or to fend exhaustion from a sleepless night. No, while all of those would be valid reasons, mine was much more practical. I had a coupon.

I really had no choice. I had a coupon for any drink for $1. To order anything less than a large would be an obvious waste of money. Can I be faulted that the large comes with 4 shots?

So, as I was saying, my stomach was never quite right after this. However, it seems I have a somewhat Pavlovic response to meal time in that when it is dinner time........... I eat. I didn't feel like eating, but I am pregnant and it was dinner time, so I had a large helping of pasta alla carbonera (or something like that), along with baked brie (which I had to make because the crescent rolls were going to expire) and then just one piece of freshly baked zuccini bread (because someone has to try it to make sure it's okay - and Titus was already too full, what with all the pasta and brie and all). So, as I say, I may have brought this illness upon myself by overconsummtion. Lesson learned.

Ailment number two is aching gums. Out of the blue my mouth started throbbing with pain today. I think it's one of those strange pregnancy things, but it feels like I have a bid wad of steak stuck in between every one of my teeth. Actually, when I think about it, it's a wonder I was able to eat at all today. I am very dedicated.

The third ailment I will not subject you to. I am sure you can imagine something, what with all the pregnacy related possible female troubles available to make one suffer.

So here I am, in the middle of the night, feeling much relieved that I can share my misery and stupidity with the world. I am not really complaining though, becuase since that first horrible whirlwind of nausua in the begining I have had a pretty great pregnancy. Not to mention the fact that any suffering I feel now will pale in comparison to the torture of sleep deprivation and hormonal instablity that is coming my way in few weeks. (Okay this is only said for the attempt at humor - in actuallity I am making a positive declarations over our new baby and my body's recovery. We are blessed and I believe there will be huge amounts of grace. Just so you know I am not a woman without faith ;) )

Blessings to all you my faithful readers, I would like to leave you with a parting thought: may you never vomit up a quad latte and all that followed it, especially if you were fortunated enough to have only paid $1 for it.


Nicole said…
Oh Elizabeth...how I have missed you! I love reading your blog. You make me smile. So real.

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