Vacation Bible School

This week has been Vacation Bible School at our church. It has been so much fun to participate with Joe. I just feel the need to state, for the record, that if I would have participated in children's ministry before I had children I may not have had them. Well, that is not completely true. I did do childcare at our old church as a teenager. That may have been the reason I wasn't super excited to have children to begin with. Then I was completely shocked as a mother how much I loved my kids and loved being a mom!

Kids are great, don't get me wrong. They are fabulous, in fact. But when you put too many of them together in one place it is not always pretty. This, in my opinion, is one of many great reasons to home school. Do children possibly learn anything when they are all together forming some kind of giant chaotic giggling amoeba? Maybe a little, but really? Who knows.

That being said, VBS, has been a great experience and a ton of fun for all the kids. Plus I am amazed and so proud of all the people that give so much to bless these kids with a great week of memorable fun. Hopefully somewhere between the shouting and running down the halls there are some seeds planted into their hearts that will bear fruit.

P.S. Plus kids say the cutest stuff:
Me: What do you want to name your bird?
Little girl: Peach. I just LOVE that name.


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