Food and Influence

It would be so much easier to abide by the saying, "Do as I say not as I do." But, as I was reminded by a friend's facebook post, it encourages one to do the right thing when you remember that there are little eyes watching. Today, my challenge was to pass by McDonald's and the large coke I wanted, instead to return home to forage for something healthier. It was a challenge, I thought about it several times; the convenience, the instant gratification of bubbly syrup and fried foods. But then it occurred to me, if I tell my children that eating healthy is important and yet just give in to what is easy and sounds good at the time, there is a mixed message. Not that we are boycotting fast food! Heaven forbid it! But, my goal is to keep it as a rarefied treat rather than a regular practice.

This is such a simple example of a principle that is far reaching and sobering. Being a mother can get heavy if you let it (I'm not just referring to the fast food here.) So, today my goal is to be joyful and light of spirit while at the same time remembering that my actions speak louder than my words. Telling my kids to be nice is so much easier that doing it myself. Living by example requires so much work. I will need Jesus. :)

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