Minute to Win It

We had lots of fun playing Minute to Win It games.
 The big shocker was that Dad Hug came in as the undisputed overall winner, excelling at face the cookie and the candy elevator, which no else even came close to completing.

 It wasn't a big surprise that the ballerina won the Dizzy Mummy game.
 We had a host of good hearted participants who were willing to spin in circles and be wrapped in tp.

 Kendra won the spirit award though, spinning till she could neither stand or stop laughing.

 Mama Hug participated, even though she mentioned the games seemed more suited to a "Halloween Party"
 Nothing was as great a crowd pleaser as our Face the Cookie game, sure to spread Christmas cheer to all.

The best thing about heading up the game planning is that I don't have to play! Ha, maybe next year eggs will be involved. ;)


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