An apple for Christmas

I received a rather extravagant present for Christmas this year. Don't worry, I don't mind. I finally have a portable computer! My husband splurged (I don't know where he got the money so I will be watching for missing body parts, children, ect) and got me a MacBook Air. It is so small I questioned whether it would even work. But it appears to. Here I am (at the kitchen table in case you couldn't tell). This is a revolution. Now I can write from anywhere!

Give thanks, mom. Now I can keep you up to date all the time! Now all I have to do is make sure I don't lose this thing under a pile of laundry. Speaking of which I have work to do......

(P.S. In case you were wanting some laundry inspiration I will share this little ditty that I came up with to help me with my attitude while laundering:
If I didn't have laundry I wouldn't have you
So I praise the Lord I have laundry to do.

So it's not that brilliant or poetic, but it did remind me how blessed I am. I get to do piles and piles (and I do mean piles) of laundry because my life is full of wonderful people who mess it up.  :)  Oh yes that reminds me I have some more singing to do. "If I didn't have laundry.......


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