
I am writing from Naples, Florida a.k.a. Land of the Grandparents.  It is pretty fun. When we went to Costco, we were greeted by a parking lot full of new and spotless vehicles. Inside the Costco was a noticeable prevalence of grey hairs and a lack of young souls. In fact, I noted only one other child in our whole shopping adventure.  Titus remarked, that Costco, normally popular with the older generation, was especially full of grandparents here. When he was in line to get hot dogs with the boys, he happened to look over at the full table area, where every eye in the whole place was "googling" the the boys. That was Titus's word not mine. I don't think the elderly people were looking up the boys on the Internet so I assume he meant some sort of google eyed, ogling. 

Anyhow, we can't go out unnoticed here. Three small people are a rare and precious treasure, but here they actually feel like that. When the boys nearly run some poor old lady over, instead of the normal, "I'm sorry," I feel I should say, "You're welcome.", so happy is everyone to have an encounter with our cute little lads. covered with sand and snot or not. 


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