Live report from (not so) sunny Florida

Today I am coming to you from frosty Florida, well just about. It's nippery out there tonight. It felt a little weird walking outside and then I realized why. There was not a soul in sight. With the plunge in temperature into the 40's people had gone into hibernation. It's the equivalent of a blizzard here.

I am sitting here enjoying the good kind of rump soreness that comes from hours on the seat of a bicycle. Don't misunderstand, the soreness itself isn't so good, but the accompanying memories of the happy family bonding time is quite enjoyable. Yesterday we enjoyed 14 miles of bike riding in tropical Florida. Well, I suppose that is an exaggeration, we enjoyed at least a good 10 miles of it.  That was until a wind storm came up and nearly blew me over. I actually had to stop and put my feet down during one gust so as not to be toppled over. We persevered through the storm, me envisioning myself like Lance Armstrong,  head down into the wind pedaling onward against all odds. Our destination was ice cream, of course. After a failed trip to Smoothie King (what kind of smoothie shop is closed on Saturday?) we rerouted to Ben and Jerry's (Despite Titus's deep dismay at supporting a "socialist" establishment, he was drawn by the "chunky monkey".)  The only problem (besides political affiliation) with our plan was that by the time we reached the ice cream parlor, it was freezing and we had been pedaling in the intense head wind for 20 minutes. We got our overpriced ice cream only to watch Judah eating his and shivering. Joe was the first to throw his away. I saw him coneless and inquired. He said, "I threw it out. I was too cold." I nearly passed out at this shocking revelation. To throw away anything you have paid for is a tragic waste, but $500 Ben and Jerry's ice cream? Unthinkable! Just as I was pondering this absurdity, Judah wandered over to the trash can and dumped his cone, also sighting coldness as the reason for his disposal.

Well, the wind whipped at our faces but I continued on, stalwart in my mission. That double waffle cone was not going to defeat me. I had trekked miles to earn it, my husband had spent our kid's college fund to buy it. I kept licking. Then in a moment of great humility I accepted defeat with my husband's words of wisdom, "Sometimes you have to learn from your children." There it was, the third overpriced cone in the garbage.

Next time we will bike to coffee. What were we thinking?

Today I have been soaking in the revelation of God's love for me. He loves me, just like I love my children, even when we throw away good gifts. Even when we are sick, weak or ugly he loves. That love is so much more powerful than I have ever known and I have yet to even begin to comprehend it. I am so grateful that I get to continue on the wonderful adventure with God, growing more in his love each day. What a life! Vacation or not, puking or not, that is something to look forward to.


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