You aint seen nothing yet!

Do you ever look at someone facing a journey you took long ago and laugh at their complaints of their hardship. Not out loud, mind you, just in your head. For example, you might hear a teenager complaining about the difficulty of having to go to work for a whole 2 HOURS, or hear a mother of 1 child bemoaning how she has no time to herself. You hear this and you think, haha, just wait. Just wait till you have to work a 12 HOUR day or juggle the schedule with three children screaming at you.

The truth is, these things we all face - they are hard. I remember being a young teen and going to work for 3 hours was a precious and difficult sacrifice of my free time. I remember being a new mom who was floored by the responsibility of having another human life completely dependent on me. It's tough.

But looking back, somewhere along the way I must have gotten stronger. Because what once seemed overwhelming to me now looks like a breeze.  The trouble is there is something now that seems like a great challenge. I'm sure the mothers of teenagers look at my struggles and somewhere in their hearts they silently laugh and think, "Just wait, you ain't seen nothing yet."

But you know, that's okay. Because even though I whine and complain about it, I think life would be boring without the challenge. For every challenge there is an ever increasing reservoir of grace awaiting us. That's why I like to quote my brother Levi in his reference about going from glory to glory. What is today? "It's the best day yet!"


Unknown said…
Elizabeth, I love your writing. It's so honest and true and encouraging. I especially love the "for every challenge there is an ever increasing reservoir of grace awaiting us" part. Thank you :)

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