If Jesus is your only Valentine ( A note to my single friends)

Psalms 8:6 says, "God sets the lonely in families"

If you are feeling lonely this Valentine's day, know that God's promises are for you. I like to dwell upon all that God has done and remember the times when he has made this particular promise come true.

Every time I think of a lovely friend and what God has done for her it makes me smile.  She was a single mom who was working hard balancing work and motherhood. She desperately wanted a godly husband, and at times would cry herself to sleep at night wondering when the day would come. Now I see her and her husband and beautiful children and marvel at the goodness of God at bringing them together.

I also love how God brings people who are feeling lonely and sets them in already established families. This is such a God thing. I think about my dear friend, who is like a sister to me, and God just brought her as a special blessing to be a part of our family. This is what the body of Christ is meant to be, people loving and living together.

Mostly, I still have so many people who are dear to my heart that I know would like to be married but are still waiting for the right person. I am thinking of you today, and remembering that God is faithful. I am remembering all that he has done and having faith that if he has put that desire in your heart then he is working to fulfill it. I also just wanted to remind you of. Ps 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."  Try not to be distracted by what you don't have but rather focus on delighting in your first love. His love never fails.

I am standing on God's promises for you! I think you are wonderful and God does too. Remember God's glorious promises for you, they are shining brightly on the path in front of you. Life is good! God is good!

To quote my favorite Levi, "Today is the best Valentine's Day yet!" That is until next year, which will be even better. It's so much fun to get to go from glory to glory. :)


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