Judah David Hug, How do I love you?

My spirited child turned 6 today. This boy is a treasure beyond words.

Judah David. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love that you have more passion that a pack of wild mustangs.
I love your sweet voice and the most unusual songs you sing.
I especially love when you sing songs to Jesus and sing about Holy Spirit.
I love your persistence and tenacity (even though this has brought me to my knees many a time)
I love how you seek to understand.
I love how you love your little sister.
I love the way you play with your brothers.
I love how you try to explain life and help your little brother.
I love your sense of adventure, the way you took 1st in Mutton Bustin' this year or the way you whiz down that scary hill on your little bike.
I love how you like to snuggle and can often be found practically on top of your brother in an effort to be close to him as you sleep.
I love the brightness in your eyes and the truth in your countenance.
I love that I can see in your little heart a searching and a desire for deep and meaningful things in life.

Being your mother has been one of the greatest challenges and privileges of my life. I think I share so many weakness and strengths with you that it can be difficult to coach you where you are weak. But this has been a blessing because even as iron sharpens iron I know God will use us in each other's lives.   You are a gift to our family and I'm so happy you are my son. I am so proud of the young man you are becoming. God knew what he was doing when he gave you to our family, you are the greatest boy a mom could ever want. I wouldn't trade you for the world! I love you!


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