Misery and Wellness

I am well enough to get off the couch, yet not well enough to embark upon the regular tasks of running a household, thus I blog. My body has been thrown into turmoil by this tiny being within me. I have never been this sick being pregnant, or even imagined that I could be this sick. I am finally starting to feel better, which is just borderline nausea instead of puking and absolute misery. I again feel there may be a reason to live. Thank you God! I wan't sure for a few dark days there.

We have all been suffering from my vegatative state. The good thing about family is that there are always people around to share your misery ;) Lately we (by we I mean Titus) have had to vaccum the floor every night because I spent all day laying on the couch and administering saltine crackers. The children seemed to be pleased with the arrangement - free reign of the home, unlimited cracker consumption, and non-stop television. Plus my stomach has been calling for things that are normally not seen in the Hug household, such as chocolate pudding, sugar pop, plentiful popcicles, white bread, and gluetenous (sp?) cheese covered noodle boxed dinners. All of these things have been called in to my husband, who stops on his way from work and wanders the grocery store isles in search of the particular item that sounds least likely to make me barf at any given moment. The man is a saint.

Anyhow, the children have't seemed to mind all these white flour and sugar filled foods in the least. Joe hasn't minded all the tv watching either. So things at the Hug house have been gradually disintegating, but one day we will rise again. I am hoping it will be today.

p.s. I did have an ultrasound, to make sure it was infact a human lifeform I was carrying and not some invading alien being. Everything looks good, miniture beating heart and all!


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