
Who would ever think such cute smiling faces would ever do anything that would require discipline. Ah, human nature, it get's the best of all of us.

Titus has decided that Judah is now old enough to come on command and that I should stop being a wimp, thus his training has commenced. Now, whenever Judah shakes his head "no" when called to come, he gets spankings until he comes or until we just grab him because we don't want everyone in the parking lot to stare at us as we pour forth an abundance of spankings.

Unfortunately, older brother has decided this is quite entertaining. He has taken to laughing uproariously at Judah's misfortune. The first time he laughed, we reprimanded him. The second time he laughed, we told him if he laughed again when Judah got spankings that HE would also get a spanking.

Well, today the inevitable happened. Judah was summonsed, and refused to come. After his two swats in the front yard and an unwanted removal to the back yard, I looked up to see Joe laughing. He saw me and immidiately said, "I was just laughing at the .... uh.... tree." as he pointed to the blossoming chestnut tree and chuckled. I couldn't help but laugh. Trees are known for their humor, you know. Quick on his feet my little Joe is. Also, I think that may be the first time I've heard him use "uh" in a sentance. :)
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Caleb said…
Kendra and I think trees are funny too... But not as funny as Joe -- we both laughed quite hard when we read your post. ;-)
Swannee said…
Daniel loves it when Caleb gets in trouble. We're trying to teach him not to gloat. I think that it's sort of inevitable since for all of Caleb's life Daniel has been getting in trouble with Caleb looking on.

Caleb also gloats, though. He says, "too bad" & "have to" to Daniel when Daniel's complaining about things.
Nicole said…
That is SO funny...oh Joe, goodluck buddy...tree humor only gets you so far ;-) I hear ya on all of familiar!

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