Joe Budders

I just love this guy. Joe Henry. What a guy. I've always felt it was a privelidge to have him for my son. I have been blessed. After two failed pregnacies, having this healthy, beautiful and nearly angelic baby was amazing. (and I'm not even being sarcastic - Joe has been as close to an angle child as ever there was - sleeping through the night, eating well, being loving and complient, I could go on).

After the thought of losing him last week, I feel ever the more blessed. (btw - I have been meaning to post a blog about his encounter with electricity, but have yet to be able to think of it without weeping -so I am waiting for more emotional stability. Come to think of it, it could be a long wait.)

Sometimes he says things that just make me smile. For example, "Mommy, thank you for buying me this charlie brown toothbrush at the dollar store." and "Mommy, thank you for buying me bob the builder underwear at a garage sale." The comments were uttered weeks after the mentioned items were purchased. Coming from any other source than a 3 and a half year old, these gratitudes might sound disingenuous. Not from Joe. He is truly thankful for life's little gifts. I am truly thankful for him.

I do, however, think it is time for a girl in the house. Today, Joe was wiping his nose on his sleve. I told him not to wipe his nose on his sleeve, but rather to go get some toilet paper. He said, "But mommy, I like wiping it on my sleve!" I replied, "What do you like to wipe on your sleve?"

"Bugers." Of course. Then he added, "and I like to eat 'em." Yes, I think a girl is in due order.


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