Bloomsday Countdow: 10 days to go.

I don't know how I feel about running. I think we have developed a love/hate relationship, which is good. We used to have a pure hate relationship. I still find it extremely challenging. I will never be one of those people who casually breezes by.

When I run my face turns into a horrible vibrant red color that stays for hours. People have, in fact, seen me hours later and asked what was wrong with me. When I run, my breathing is not gentle and even, instead it comes in gasping waves as my body struggles for life. It is not pretty. I pity my fellow runners who don't have earphones and have to listen to me breathing as they casually breeze by. I imagine I sound similar to a dying whale.

Then there is the sweat. Just gross. But, I feel like I am cleansing out toxins so I think that makes it all worth while.

I feel healthy and have now run up to 6 miles. I was inspired at the Bloomsday training session when we had the oldest woman to climb the tallest mountain on each continent as a speaker. She was inspiring. I figured that if a lady could take up mountain climbing at age 50 and climb Everest at almost 60, I could certainly jog for a few puny miles.

Overall, I haven't lost much weight, about 3 lbs. I am sure it came entirely from my already small rear and legs. My pudgy tummy remains intact, freely jiggling up and down every week as I run.

Titus has agreed to join me and he hasn't done any training. Hopefully his breathing will be loud enough so that no one will be laughing at me. It should be fun. Our goal is 1 hr 15 minutes, which seems a great impossibility. I will let you know how it turns out.


Kendra said…
Elizabeth, you ROCK!! My longest run to date is 1.5 miles. That's awesome that you can run 6 miles...who cares what you sound like, you can do it!! That's AWESOME!! Good luck at Bloomsday!
Nicole said…
I think you're amazing!! I STILL have a hate-hate relationship with running. :-P

And I am SO with you in the red face department. Ugh! It can last for hours.

What a sense of accomplishment to do Bloomsday & finish it! Can't wait to hear how it goes for you! (I'm bad though, because part of me is hoping that Titus will not be able to keep up with you due to his lack of training. Sorry Titus!)

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