Hit the ground running ladies!

I don't know where the phrase, "Hit the ground running" originated. I always imagine someone parachuting in or being dropped off by a helicopter, likely dressed in full camo, landing on the ground and running into enemy territory. In any case, I can't think of a phrase that more typifies motherhood.

Even a simple activity such as waking up in the morning is punctuated with excitement when you are a mom. You don't get to wake up to a regular sound of an alarm clock, or by the soft rays of sun coming in through the window. Rather you are awakened usually by some sort of scream, cry for help, or whining request. "Mom, I'm hungry." "Mom, Judah hit me!" "Mom, my bed is wet." or if you are lucky enough to have a two year old, the cries might be less coherent, more like, "Joe Joe ah eh oh."

It is just fun being a mom. It is crazy and wonderful, but never, never ever, boring. Thank heaven for that.


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