Happy Birthday, Judah!

Dear Judah, I can hardly begin to tell you what a treasure you are to our family. You are sheer delight personified. You are feisty and passionate, yet tender and full of joy. At three years old you are well loved where ever you go. I have it on good authority, that several of the nursery workers at church say that you are their favorite. You are full of imagination as you play in your own little world.
One of our favorite examples of your imagination was when dad found you playing with some of his wire nuts in a plastic case. You were taking the wire nuts, one by one, dangling them over the plastic container while voicing their protest. "No Bath! No Bath!" the little wire nuts would say then you would shove them into the container while they screamed.
You are a little snuggle bug, which I have enjoyed especially this past year, since your baby sister went on to heaven ahead of us. You can often be found trying to sneak into our double bed at night. We will wake up feeling a thud in the bed. We wonder what it is, then feel a small pillow. A second later you show up dragging your monkey blanket and any other night time sleeping necessities, throwing them all on our bed first, then you crawl up to join us. Even your father and I who have always resisted having a "family bed" sometimes can't refuse you. But then you stay for a few moments, kicking everyone in the sides, so off you go back to bed. Sometimes if we shut our door tight, we find you sleeping outside our door in the morning- a cute blonde boy, his little pillow and his monkey blanket all in a pile on the carpet.
You do have a will, that is for sure. Once you make your mind up it is hard to convince you otherwise. You get a fair amount of spankings, and I ask God all the time for wisdom how to be your mother. You offer a special challenge, but one I wouldn't trade for the world. I know you are gonna be something else when you are grown, going after all God has for you with a great gusto.
You have a sweet spirit, that is sensitive to those around you. Whenever someone does you wrong, you always say "Sorry". Even when someone else does harm to another, you apologize and offer hugs and kisses.
I called you my "love bug" the other day when we were riding in the car. Then daddy and I were talking and you started shouting in the backseat, "No!No! No!" and began to cry. When we asked you what was wrong you said, "Not love bug." I apologized and asked what you were, if not a love bug. "I'm Judah!" Glad we got that straightened out.
You father and I are so proud of you. You are learning and growing so fast. You have started pointing out letters and can speak in full sentences. You were even (mostly) potty trained before you turned 3. You seem to have come to peace with the fact that you are not in charge of the house, although sometimes you still question the fact. The other day, daddy says you were trying to stage a revolution. When I took a toy away that you and Joe were fighting over, you hit me with all your might. You were promptly sent to your room. When daddy came to render your correction, you ran up to him and kicked him in the shin. Maybe you thought you could take us both. I think dad set you straight on that.
One thing I really love about you is that you are your own little person. You feel strongly, think imaginatively, and play freely. You are SO much fun to have around. You are an amazing little man and I couldn't be more thrilled that you are my son. Right now you and your brother are playing in laundry baskets on the floor, in typical boy fashion bashing them into each other with full force. My prayer for you son, is that you continue to go for life with that much full force, embracing all the wonder and joy in life, just like you do now. I love you. Happy Birthday Love Bug! (sorry, couldn't resist) Love, Mom


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