A desperate cry for help!

Our dog, Gus, stinks. This is serious. So serious, in fact, that I hauled him up the stairs and bathed him in my jetted bathtub last week. If you have met Gus, you know that this is no small task. It didn't help.

Now, this is gross, but it is the truth. Augustus eats his own poop. Regularly. We don't know how to get him to stop, apart from picking up all the poop in the yard, as soon as is happens. (Which, lets face it, is not going to happen anytime in this lifetime). We think this may be the source of some of his stench. It certainly can't be helping.

Our house stinks so badly that I don't want to be here. Just keeping him in the mudroom smells up the whole house, let alone the mudroom, which makes me nearly vomit just to enter. And, even though Gus is supposed to be primarily an outside dog, he barks incessantly. This has brought complaints from the neighbors. Drat.

So apart from my ever present job of helping all my friends remain dogless, I posted this to see if anyone has any helpful advice to help our dog stop reeking.


Sharon said…
You should talk to your veterinarian -- there are additives you can put in your dog's food to make their poop less appetizing and decrease the chances of it being eaten. You might also try giving him some dental dog treats, like Greenies, to help keep his teeth clean (thus decreasing doggie breath). There is also special dog toothpaste and brushes, but brushing your dog's teeth is usually trickier than giving them dental treats.

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