37 Weeks of Expansion

Today is my last day of being 37 weeks pregnant. This has been a really good week and I suspect it is due to all the people that have been praying for us. Thank you!

I've been full of peace and baby is moving well and we are almost there! At first I was a little disappointed about having to induce the baby on Monday. I was hoping to get to go into labor naturally, because I had been induced with both the boys. But, I have not prayed for a natural labor. I have only prayed that the baby's birth would be orchestrated by the Lord and blessed and healthy.

This morning I realized what a dingbat I have been for caring about getting to go into labor on my own. The reality is that on June 6th, if we get a healthy baby born and a healthy mama, that will be a stunning miracle. End of story.

I think I watched too many of those birthing videos that make it sound like if you don't get some natural connection with your baby as you push them out surrounded by darkness and tranquil music that you will have failed. That is ridiculous. I have always known that in my head, but somewhere in my silly romantic images I want to be in a birthing cavern somewhere with candles and worshipful whispers as angels gather and the baby softly slips from the womb into the outside world. Well some people want a unicorn, we can't always get what we want.

The reality is that Joe and Judah were both born with epidurals and pitocin in a sterile (non-romantic) hospital environment. I could not feel a thing when I pushed them out. Literally, people had to tell me whether I was pushing or not. I think this led to a little longer recovery time for me (not having the natural urge to push and for my body to process all the drugs afterwords) but that is all. The boys were healthy. We do not suffer from any lack of deep connection.

So here are the reasons that I am really excited to be induced on Monday:

1) We get to meet our little schmoose! I can hardly wait!

2) I have taken it as a sign that I have exactly the number of injections left to take before I get induced. This is unusual because last time I went in to fill my Rx I got like 60 shots. I have also forgotten to take several (I'm supposed to take them twice a day). The fact that I would have just enough to take, not 1 more or 1 less, is surprising.

3) I was reading that when the baby is ready to be born the placenta starts clotting off and depriving the baby of nutrients so that the baby sends a hormonal signal that it is ready to come out, thereby starting labor. Between being on blood thinners and not knowing what went wrong last time, it seems to make good sense to be induced since the baby is full term and healthy. If there was some sort of problem with the blood clotting, its good to get that baby out.

4) God knows all things and I trust Him completely (at least I like to think I do, until something happens and He has to remind me trust him all over again :) ). We have prayed for His direction and I know so many of you have been praying for us as well. The word says that the steps of the righteous man are ordered by the Lord and I believe he is guiding us through our birthing process. It will be blessed!

5) The baby will get to share a birthday with Auntie Celeste and Jacqui Adams (baby probably wants to share your birthday since you gave him/her such cute shoes)


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