A day for tea

Today we had tea. We had scones. It was a good day. My little monkey jammied boy lies next to me, his head on my shoulder, watching Beethoven for the first time. (It's cornier than we remembered from our childhoods). The boys are giggling wildly.

I have been getting ready to run bloomsday and turn 30. I'm a bit traumatized by both. I have this problem where I make a really big deal out of special days and invariably, I am disappointed when my expectations are not met. I should say I have had this problem in the past. I am trying to get over it, hard to say if I've conquered it. I always have really good intentions of not caring, but then I do care and I am disappointed. So basically I'm a big whiny baby ;)  I have the best man in the world - truly! He is a fantastic father, provider, friend, encourager, hard worker, kind, generous and all around amazing guy. He is just not good at unprovoked acts of special day thoughtfulness (like flowers, cards, planning things ect). But he is amazing at following clear instructions and going above and beyond when I tell him exactly what I want.  So that means I better get a list going here soon if I want anything for my birthday ;)


Last night we did sleep training with Ash. The night before he was up to nurse every 3 hours. If you have seen him lately, you know he is not in need of the nourishment. So we tried a plan. When he woke up the first time, Titus was to go in and give him a talk. Explaining that we had heard his cries, and his request for food had been denied. Then he was to leave and we would let Asher cry for 20 minutes. Titus thought he would cry the whole 20 min. But I figured that after the talk from his dad he would be demoralized and give up and go back to sleep. I was right. Titus went in and said sorry no milk, we love you, night night. He left and Asher screamed really loud for 3 minutes and went back to bed. Yay. So that was the first feed, now we just have to gradually repeat our plan until he sleeps though the night. He's almost 11 months. It's about time.

But Ashy is going to be a tough kid. In the last week he has had his face colored, his hair gummed, and his back stickered. This last Saturday I was with the boys and had to go to the bathroom, so I asked them to watch him for just a minute. When I came back to the room there was Asher, safe and sound, except for pieces of pink gum stuck all over his head. He was happy as could be.  The week before I went to get him from the back seat of the car, where he was in his car seat and his face was covered with pen marks. When I asked "WHO DID THIS!?" Joe sheepishly raised his had. When asked what he was thinking he said, "I thought it would be funny." This is my 6 year old, he should know better! Problem was when I looked at Asher, I realized Joe was right. It was pretty funny.  This is my life: laughter and pen marks.


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