Day 2 of school

Someone help me my baby's grown up! Day 2 was a toughee for mom. Joe was thrilled. He got his name on the wow board, won a prize and got a sticker on his hand.

Things that are though for me about school:

*They spend most of their time training in behavior (I guess they need to with 25 1st graders)

*My son is already identifying with a new culture. Suddenly they are his people, instead of us. His school his joy in life, not his family.

* I have to try not to be jealous of my son's new special person. His teacher is now receiving his love letters of affection. (i know I;m a baby)

Things that are positive

* Wonderful time with Judah bear at home today - one-on-one.
* A dramatic upswing in my prayer and Bible time.
* A renewed knowledge of my desperate need for God, every minute, every day.
* An incredible increase in appreciation of my children and the utter joy it is to spend time with them.

Other news - Asher is a tough kid. He bonks his head against the floor and doesn't cry.(intentionally when he is mad) Runs into people and falls over and doesn't seem phased. I've also taken to calling him the Haberdasher.

Tomorrow is my first physical therapy ever.


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