
That's all I can say. I have been trusting God, but I'm tired. I'm tired of moving and am feeling a bit overwhelmed by the thought of doing my nesting without a proper nest.

Titus and I have been feeling lied to and abused by lenders. Why would people say everything looks great when they have no idea how it looks? Why would they tell us three days when it's going to be 12? Can anyone be honest or helpful?

Perhaps big banks are evil after all. Maybe Dave Ramsey is right and we should just wait and buy our house in cash.  After all this pain in the rear jumping through hoops to get a loan I'm thinking that's not such a bad idea. Mom and dad, I guess we will have to live with you for 15 years while we save up enough money.

I want to be strong and happy and optimistic because I know God takes care of us. I also want to be thankful, because I have an RV and friends to take us in and money to rent a house if I need to, or a rental house of my own to move into. Really I have it pretty great. But the unknown, unsettled feeling is a really tough thing. Especially for a pregnant bear. I don't like it and I am tired. There is my complaint for the day. I'm sorry you had to hear it. I wish there was something you could do to fix it but you can't. It's just a light and momentary trial, one day I will be able to say that and feel it's truth. For now I say it because it is true, regardless of how I feel.  


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