
Well it's been a heck of a time around here.  God does have a sense of humor, that is for sure.  At the beginning of the year when I asked him for a word for the year I think he was playing a trick on me. He have me the word "Bold".  Well I didn't even care for that word too much, but at least it sounded exciting.

What I didn't realize is that "bold" looked so much like "humble". I guess I should have figured that out knowing God and how his kingdom works. What I was expecting was, I don't know, chances for greatness. Well I guess I am getting them, I just think they look more like chances for failure. In our weakness he is strong.

Why can we be bold as followers of Jesus? Because we are completely submitted to Jesus, abandoned and sold out to him. Because of that we can be bold before men. We can be fearless when we are lost in love with our savior, because perfect love casts out fear.

Yet what is required to be abandoned wholly to the King? Somethings must be given up. Pride for example. Ouch. Trying to be strong in oneself, trying to defend oneself, trying to make your own way.

Just so much shedding is required. So much surrender.

So this post comes with much humility. I feel so out of control of so many things, well, primarily underwriters at the moment. But other things too, like my children, my general direction in life, ect.  But I have confidence in the one who can calm any storm. I know that he is wild about me and that he's got something great for me in the midst of so many unknowns and apparent defeats.

I can rest in peace knowing, that the one who made the stars, the sky and the universe. he is the one holding me and fashioning my life into something beautiful, something I could never make on my own.


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