Louse in the House!

We were invaded by head lice. Asher and I felt the same way about the whole situation.
Asher had it really bad and the big boys, just like a normal outbreak I guess. I got it too. Guess that's what I get for being a thick-haired snuggler.
Asher did not approve of the nit picking as you  can see from the above picture.
We finally settled on a method using cetaphil to cover the whole head and then blow drying. You have to repeat this process twice, allowing a week between treatments.
So I spent 4 hours de-lousing heads today. I did all the boys in less than 2 hours and myself with the other 2 hours. I have lots of hair. Lots.
The treatment seems to be effective. At least it gave Asher a  nice do:
This is not how I intended to be nesting, by unnesting lice from their nests.
Last night I stayed up past midnight doing what any mother with 3 children, an unsettled house and a baby on the way would: laundry and weeping.
I didn't get caught up on either.
In an attempt to simplify things the big boys got buzz cuts.
Today Judah was explaining to his dad, 
"I don't look like Judah anymore. But I still am Judah. I can't tell I'm Judah anymore. But mom can."
Today there were parasites and hormones flying wildly around the house. When Titus came home and asked me a simple question about our plans for today, I burst into tears, unable to answer. Joe looked at his dad and explained, "This is the THIRD time she's been crying today."
Oh my boys, what would I do without them. I remember that the reason I even have head lice to deal with in the first place is these beautiful little people. The reason I have these ridiculous hormones, difficulty ascending the stairs and fitting in the laundry room is that I am about to be blessed with a precious daughter. Most of my trauma stems from blessing. And compared to the blessing the trauma is minute. It just doesn't always feel that way.  


MrsDandy said…
Love how you put things! Glad that you can remember (and remind others) of the blessings through the hard times,and that they are linked. :) Hope you are through with the head lice. Nice you can cute the boys hair short. I taught a girl in Kindergarten once, whose Dad had shaved her head because of head lice.

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