Easter and Beyond

Judah enjoyed his eggs. The kids didn't seem to mind that we were rained in.

Joe spilled his eggs, but dutifully stopped to pick up every one. This was one instance where I didn't have to encourage him to pick up after himself.

Joe showing his prized possesion:

The every joyous cousin picture. Samanatha ever the eldest trying bring everyone together for an acceptable Easter photo.

This is my absolute favorite Easter picture. it looks as though Judah was drugged by the Easter bunny.

As you see here - he is still suffering from sugar overdose:

This is a random picture that just made me laugh so hard. I though Joe looked like such a dork. He had buckled himself into the little kid seat (extra high chair for visitors) and was walking around the living room like that, with his safety goggles on his head ;)

As you may have guessed we get alot of laughs in the Hug household. The following picture documents what happened when there was an argument over a stick. Judah had brough a stick into the house and was happily playing with it. Joe was intensely jealous and crying that he wanted the stick. Finally I told him he could get dressed (I think it was 8 in the morning) and go find another stick in the yard. He came in with this :

Funny thing was, after Joe had come in with a stick (this board was banished and he went out and found a somewhat smaller one) he went upstairs. I was wondering what he was doing upstairs only to see him come down back in his jammies. He had gotten undressed after accomplishing his wood fetching mission. Titus and I both agree that I have been spending too much time in my robe lately. Lol, what an example I must be to my son. :)


Swannee said…
Awesome pictures! Judah is getting so big! and I love the one of Joseph looking like a dork. What an incredible time. And there's no such thing as "too much" time in one's bathrobe when pregnant.

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