Past the 12 week "hump"

Lately, we have been working on our Chelan property, which Joe used to call "the burn house". We are getting close to being finished, when we are I will post some before and after pictures so you can see how talented my husband is ;) Judah looks a little overwhelmed by all the work, but Joe thoroughly embraces his role as "working man" - even if he has to be in a diaper because he peed through two sets of pants. Joe has been doing really well at potty training - unless he is doing something really exciting (working with dad, playing outside, having friends over, going anywhere outside of the house, you know just those truly thrilling things). He told me to turn off the noise (country music) while we were working. I told him no, he happily found these handy ear coverings. I would recommend them for anyone who is being forced to listen to county music against their will. :)

Joe and I had a date the other night. We went to dinner at noodle express and then went to buy him new shoes. While we were eating our chicken osaka, Joe asked me if I liked girls. I said, "Yes. Do you like girls." He told me he didn't. I looked disappointed and said, "Joe, mommy is a girl." He didn't miss a beat and responded, "Mommy you not a girl, you a lady." You can't ask for a more perfect date than that, he proveded flattery and was a cheap date considering he just ate off my plate ;)
I have passed the twelve week mark of this pregancy. I saw the dr. today and all was well. I got an ultrasound and the wee one was doing a little flip. It was so cute, it had a head and body and everything :) It measures 5 3/4 cm. It is funny that on number 3 it is still so exciting and astounding really, to see that there is actually a little life floating around in my belly. Maybe 11 weeks of hellish puking suffing is actually worth it ;)
In other news I have switched to an all stretchy pants all the time wardrobe. I have not yet gotten out the maternity clothing, but the skinny jeans have been banished to the back of the closet. The poor eating that I survived on these last few weeks is going to have to change in order for me not to end up looking like an inflated buffalo. Instead of a baby bump, I have a baby induced, take-out-food and sugar-craving bump. The good thing is that fruit and vegetables no longer make me gag at just the thought of them. I have been able to switch my Costco dining from hot dog over to chicken salad, and I can eat apples again. For awhile anything with fiber sounded so gross that I even bought white bread. I think I am on the path to regeneration.
Praise the Lord!


Kaitlin said…
I'm over my 11 weeks of puking too! My sister oh so kindly pointed out last night, "Oh cute belly" which was really embarrassing because my baby is like the size of a kiwi.. I really shouldn't have a bump yet. lol
But good for you switching back to fiber...
Levi said…
Haha. Always enjoy your insightful and delightfully rich writings Elz. I think you should write a baby book.. maybe you could call it, "how to thrive while being pregnant" :-)

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