Life with the kiddos.

Joe and Judah "working" at the burn out house. They find the mud - always.
Joe helped his little brother's face find the mud as well.

This is Joe and Judah working as a team to load siding. Judah would go get a big piece of siding and hand it to Joe. These photos are in revese order.
Joe recieves the siding:

Judah works to lift siding:

Judah prepares to lift siding:

I had to document a few items before I forget them. Having Joe burst forth into coversation has been most entertaining.

This morning we were getting dressed and going to go on a walk to where Titus is working (4 blocks away). Joe asked where we were going and I said, "To visit our favorite person. Who is our favorite person?" To which Joe replied exuberantly, "ME!". Then I tried to get Joe back on topic by asking Joe who his favorite person is. He answered, "Judah." This was very touching, but still not getting us where I was trying to go. So I finally asked, "Who is Judah's favorite person?" Joe said, "Judah's a baby." Obviously. I should have known babies can't have favorite people. So finally I announced that we were going to visit Daddy, who is apperently only my
favorite person.

This morning as I was walking up the stairs I announced, "Let's all be happy this morning." Then I looked over at Judah, smiling brightly, and said, "One down, you're already there, Judah." And then I hear this voice from the distant corner of the house yelling, "I'm happy mom! I'm happy!" I hope this works as well with teenagers. :)

The other thing that has been cracking me up is the boys with their private parts. I read somewhere that you should call private parts by their correct names. Joe has a little trouble with the pronunciation. Lately Judah has discovered his little package and has been very fascinated by it. It is difficult, in fact, for me to change his poopy diaper without him trying to grab himself (yuck!). Titus informs me that this is quite natural and is a fascination that will continue throughout all their boyhood years. Oh joy.

Anyhow, as I was saying, with Judah's new fascination, he often tries to grab his brother's appendage. At this we hear cries of, "Judah grabbing my peanuts! Judah grabbing my peanuts!" I have to try really hard not to laugh, but rather to discourage such behavior and try to teach my boys the proper rules about "peanuts" - such as #1 - Grab not your brother's.

Such is life in the Hug household.


Kaitlin said…
Oh Elizabeth - you should write everyday because seriously, you're so funny. lol

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