Joyful, Joyful

Lately, I have been enjoying life so much. It seems almost a crime, to be this happy. So many people are sad. I have wrestled for a bit with these thoughts, before realizing how ridiculous they are. Of course God wants me to be happy and enjoy this life he has given me. So, I'm just going to be out with it. Life is good!

My little man-children are so much fun. Just now Judah came up to me, with his darling little face cocked to one side and said something which made no sense to me. His little voice is adorable. I don't know most of what he says, but he is stinking cute!

There has been much excitement in the house since Halloween. Judah is potty training and we have Halloween candy. Thus every time Judah poops in the toilet, everyone goes and gets their bag/bowl of candy and searches for their own piece of celebratory candy. These are the kind of events that fill my days.

Don't get me wrong, there are trials. I was humiliated last week when I was called at the Y childcare to fetch Judah. I thought maybe he had a potty accident, but it was worse. He launched a full scale rebellion against the teacher culminating with him throwing a cup at her. We had to have a discussion about listening to the teacher and the consequences if you don't. I made him sit in timeout against the wall there (because that is what they had told him to do for his misbehavior but he refused). When we were in the car on the way home, still discussing the importance of respecting authority, I hear a little voice in the backseat, "Cowboys don't sit in time out."


Joe has been building forts lately, and I get a kick our hearing him say things like, "I just need a little bit of something cozy, now." before he goes off in search of a fuzzy blanket.


The boys are mischievous, sweet, and just so much fun. They are finally learning to play together. They still fight and hit each other regularly, but they are gaining times of unhindered play between those outbursts of tears. I try to squish them to keep them little as much as possible, although it doesn't seem to be working. Joe's pants are now firmly above his ankles, which is a sure sign that my attempts are futile. They will grow into men, and every day I ask God for the grace to help me prepare them well. What an honor. I am so blessed.


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