Elizabeth's top 10 ways to survive the darkness.

I know this dark fall weather can be a tough time for some of us in the pacific northwest. You might be enjoying an afternoon cup of tea and all of a sudden darkness descends. You check your clock, and it's only 4:00! There is still 4 hours until the kids go to bed. Blah. Just to escape this blahness, I have compiled this list.

1. Give your body some good food. I am amazed at how much better I feel when I remember to eat real people food, the food God intended us to have, instead of a half of a day old pastry and a trip to McDonald's. ( I haven't heard specifically from God on this, but just from knowing His great love for me, I assume that stale pastry is not his best. Even the Isrealites had fresh manna every day) Sometimes it is easier for me to remember this when I'm pregnant because then I am looking out for the wee one too.

2. Buy yourself a flower or two. You could wait for a handsome suitor to bring one, but you might have to wait a long time. You don't have to spend a ton to add a bit of loveliness to your life ;) (and a special thanks to our MOPs visitor, the owner of Just Roses, who gave us all 30% coupons and a lesson in flower arranging last week)

3. Play with some kids. You know, formulate edible landscape for an herbivore dinosaur. Make a game seeing how many books your children will bring to you before they get sick of being read to. Squish play dough in your toes, I don't know, but the kids sure seem happy, so try to rub off some of their gladness on you :)

4. Make Baked Oatmeal, with cranberries, candied ginger and apples. Need I say more? Okay then, whipped cream.

5. Light some candles. Lots of them, in a variety of scents and colors. Unless you have a fireplace or an exceptionally cheery disposition, you will not last the winter without these.

6. Make fun, frivolity and food with friends a high priority. This is perhaps the most important. I recommend finding some friends who will visit you even if your house is dirty and/or stinky (If they are any kind of friend - they will give you candles that will cover up diaper odor. If they are really true friends, they will even help you clean. Not everyone has friends like these, but if you keep inviting people over and giving them free food, you will eventually find some).

7. Play games. It's fun and also you can find distraction from the abominable weather in the form of A) gloating in your victory (if you are Titus) or B)planning your revenge (if you are the rest of us).

8. Please do exercise, you'll thank me later. My personal favorite (I never thought I would say this) is Zumba. For those of you who are still unwilling to make a fool of yourself in public, might I recommend a brisk fall walk followed by something warm to drink, or a 20 minute Pilate's video. Even if you just have a few minutes to do something, anything, move. It makes life better.

9. Snuggle. You will need the following in any combination; fluffy blanket, cocoa or popcorn, a willing body to snuggle with, reading material, a fireplace, something entertaining to watch, fuzzy socks, also see #5.

10. Find someone cute and smile at them. One of the best things about having children is that this is always really easy to do. (Or you could borrow one, we like to borrow an exceptionally cute one from next door)

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