Letter F Fieldtrip

Our little home school preschool coop tries to go on field trips once a month. For the letter F we wanted to go to a firehouse. We had the privilege of visiting our friend, fireman Jim, when he was at work. He and friendly fireman Ben, gave us a tour. Here they are posing for a picture.
Here Abigail and Joe stand in awe of the firetruck. It is pretty impressive up close. The kids were a bit overwhelmed when the flashing lights were turned on. Pretty exciting stuff.

All the kiddos had a chance to 'drive' the truck:

except for Buddy, who got the chance to ride on front :

The children watched the demonstration as Fireman Ben showed them how firemen get their safety gear on. They also learned how to escape if the fire alarm goes off or they see smoke (crawl to the front yard).

Even though a fireman in his gear could look scary at first, the children learned that he is there to protect them and if they ever see a fireman in their house wearing a mask they should:

run and give him a hug. They were the only 2 souls brave enough to go and give a hug, I guess you have to be at least 4 to overcome your shyness of such a masked being :) All during the presentation Judah watched in what I can only assume was awe.
I am very thankful for our local firemen, who are not only brave and hardworking, but also good with children :)


beautiful mess said…
That looks like so much fun Elizabeth! It's fun to see pics and cute fireman too :)

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