Snow Fluffies

The worst part about the whole situation is that it was my fault.
I saw the kids loitering around the edges of the box, tinkering with a peanut or two.
This is where my homeschooling failed me, science. I did not realize that these little buggers are charged with static-electricity. I told the kids they could play in them if they cleaned them up. Big mistake.
The kids did have fun, but when we tried to clean up the little things it was as though they were demon possessed. Every time I would sweep them into the dust pan they would jump right out. I would sweep a pile again, and on the way to the garbage pail they would all evacuate. It was hilarious and frustrating at the same time. There I was mother of three, having a belated lesson in science. I had to learn that these innocent looking puff balls react to plastic. I put away my plastic dust pan and started scooping by hand, and vacuuming. Oh well, as they say you are never too old to learn something new :)
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