Vulnerability Sucks - 30 Days of Authenticity #7

Some ideas are so great in theory. Vulnerability is one of them. I read books about the subject, and I think, yes, sure, sign me up. I feel God speaking to me about living honestly and speaking the truth, instead of hiding behind fear or shame. All good.

Then I get the chance to reveal a part of myself that is not pleasant, that is weak and pitiful. So I do. And it feels like ripping off a bandaid, but worse. Like a bandaid that was superglued onto my heart. Then I wonder if I should have kept it on. Nobody really needed to see the oozy, stinky mess hidden under there did they?

But I think they did, at least I needed to get that mess dealt with if I'm gonna be healthy. I just hope no one got any toxic goo splattered in their face in the process. But they probably did and that is okay. Sometimes dealing with toxic goo is what is required to build relationships that mean something.


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