A Tearful confession (warning - contains political statments)

I hate politics. My good friend (who has almost diametrically opposing political beliefs) asked me if I was comfortable discussing politics. After thinking about it for a long time I realized that I am extremely uncomfortable. But I don't think that politics in particular is really what makes me so uncomfortable. I am a peacemaker by nature. I just want everyone to get along. Is that so much to ask?!

I realize that my own nature does not like conflict. But politics aside, I think that as long as I live in a world where there is evil, I am going to have to deal with conflict. The most basic of which is within my self.

Anyhow. Seeing how we are not going to all agree, and come together as one, around the firepit singing "Kumbaya", I am going to have to take a stand. I realize that we are all a product of our past, and my past strongly influences my opinion on politics. I grew up hearing my dad preach from the pulpit hundereds of times, and some of his words have been bouncing around in my head lately. Especially when he talked about the time when God broke his heart for the unborn, saying, "Every time an abortion is done the crys of those babies echo through the chambers of heaven".

I have heard many different perspectives on abortion, and I know that christians believe differently. Here is what it comes down to in my mind: a nation that sanctions, throught its laws in it's highest court that the killing of innocent life is acceptable, is not in line with the will of God. The appoinment of Judicial nominees will be huge in this upcoming administration. This is important.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" Do you believe this to be true? If so, how can you blame me when I am moved to tears by the fact that so many of my fellow believers are supporting one who does not value the first and most basic among these - the right to life. Somethings are foundational and this is one of them.

You are free to share your opinions with me, but when it comes to this one issue, I doubt it will matter. I have been protesting at abortion clinics since before I could walk, I have spent years with my parents walking across this country praying, in the barren landscape, on the desolate roads, in the seats of justice, in the metropolis and the countryside, crying out to God to end abortion in our nation. The ruling in the hightest court, and the opinions held by its highest leaders DO have a bearing on the nation as a whole. Who we elect says where our heart lies.

"The greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion, which is war against the child. The mother doesn't learn to love, but kills to solve her own problems. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want." Mother Teresa

If you watch Obama's July 2007 speech at a planned parenthood fundraiser, you will note that he repetedly mentions the powerful taking away the rights of the weak (in regards to politicians taking away the "right" of abortion from women. ) I could not see any more revealing statement than that. Who can be weaker and more defenseless than an unborn baby. Who will stand up for their rights?


kristi said…
Very well written. I agree with you completely. Unfortunately, I've also seen a culture (Uganda) that doesn't value life at all even once the babies are born. It makes me sad for humanity, and I'm going through a serious questioning stage right now with God about the purpose and power of prayer (for more reasons than this). I'm not real sure He's listening.

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